Google Sheets To Google Calendar Script: A Comprehensive Guide

Google Sheets To Calendar Script Create Calendar Events In Google
Google Sheets To Calendar Script Create Calendar Events In Google from


Have you ever found yourself constantly switching between your Google Sheets and Google Calendar, manually inputting data from one to the other? It can be a tedious and time-consuming task. However, with the use of a simple script, you can automate this process and save yourself valuable time. In this article, we’ll be discussing the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script and how you can use it to make your life easier.

What is the Google Sheets to Google Calendar Script?

The Google Sheets to Google Calendar script is a code that allows you to transfer data from your Google Sheets to your Google Calendar automatically. With this script, you can create events on your calendar based on the data you have on your Google Sheets, eliminating the need for manual input.

How to Set Up the Google Sheets to Google Calendar Script

Setting up the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script is easy. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and click on “Tools” in the menu bar.
  2. Select “Script editor” from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:

    function createEvent() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('YOUR_CALENDAR_ID'); var lr = sheet.getLastRow(); var dataRange = sheet.getRange(lr,1,1,2).getValues(); var title = dataRange[0][0]; var date = dataRange[0][1]; var start = new Date(date); var end = new Date(date); end.setHours(end.getHours() + 1); var event = calendar.createEvent(title, start, end); }

  4. Replace “YOUR_CALENDAR_ID” with the ID of your Google Calendar. You can find this ID in the calendar’s settings.
  5. Save the script and give it a name.
  6. Close the script editor and go back to your Google Sheets document.
  7. Select the cell where you want to create the event and click on “Tools” in the menu bar.
  8. Select “Script editor” from the dropdown menu.
  9. Choose the script you just created from the list and click on “Run”.

How to Use the Google Sheets to Google Calendar Script

Once you’ve set up the script, using it is simple. All you need to do is enter the event details in your Google Sheets document and the script will automatically create an event on your Google Calendar. To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and enter the event details in the appropriate cells.
  2. Save the document.
  3. Open the script editor by clicking on “Tools” in the menu bar and selecting “Script editor” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the script you created from the list and click on “Run”.
  5. The script will create an event on your Google Calendar based on the data in your Google Sheets document.

Benefits of Using the Google Sheets to Google Calendar Script

Using the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script has several benefits. Some of these include:

  • Eliminates the need for manual input, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Allows for easy organization and tracking of events.
  • Enables collaboration between team members by allowing them to access and edit the Google Sheets document.


In conclusion, the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script is a simple but powerful tool that can help you automate the process of transferring data from your Google Sheets to your Google Calendar. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up and use the script to save yourself valuable time and increase productivity. Give it a try and see how it can benefit you and your team.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script for multiple events?
A: Yes, you can use the script for multiple events. Simply enter the event details in the appropriate cells in your Google Sheets document and run the script. Q: Can I edit events that were created using the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script?
A: Yes, you can edit events that were created using the script. Simply make the necessary changes in your Google Sheets document and run the script again to update the event on your Google Calendar. Q: Can I use the Google Sheets to Google Calendar script for events that occur on a recurring basis?
A: Yes, you can use the script for recurring events. Simply enter the details for the first event in your Google Sheets document and set up the recurrence in your Google Calendar. The script will automatically create the recurring events based on the data in your Google Sheets document.

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